Sunday 27 December 2015

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a joyful Christmas filled with lots of love and laughter! 
It is hard to believe that a week has flown by and that we are back to school next week! 

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Test Tomorrow

Tomorrow we will have our Geometry Test. Today we did lots of review of key concepts. I feel like we are in great shape (pardon the pun!).

- The boys and girls will need to identify prisms and pyramids
- Draw shapes with right angles, angles less than or greater than a right angle
- Compare two 2D shapes
- Be familiar with the term congruent (same size and shape)
- Nets
- Covering shapes using pattern blocks

Again - all of this was reviewed today as a whole class. I have updated Prodigy to include some 3D questions too.

Friday 11 December 2015

Math Test Wednesday

On Wednesday we will have our unit three math test.
It will cover:

- 2D Shapes and describing them by their various attributes (side lengths, angles, parallel sides)
- Angles (comparing them to a right angle)
- Congruent Shapes
- Identifying shapes
- Pyramids and Prisms
- Nets

Tuesday 8 December 2015

The Legend of the Candy Cane

Today we watched a video called the Legend of the Candy Cane. It was a great video that helped the kiddies understand how the candy cane is a symbol of Jesus. We then wrote a short reflection about this Christmas symbol.
We have been trying to remind ourselves often in Portable Four that Jesus is the reason for the season. Sometimes the excitement of elves and Santa gets the best of us and these little reminders of Jesus and how we can see him at Christmas are important!


Today we were introduced to a very sophisticated term for quite an easy concept!

The new word is "congruent."

Congruent means that two or more shapes are exactly the same size and shape.


Here is an activity...find pairs of congruent shapes.
How do you know they are congruent?

Friday 4 December 2015

2D on Prodigy!

I have inputted some 2D shape activities on Prodigy today.
This is a great way to support student learning at home!

Letter Writing

In Language we have begun a mini letter writing unit. The Christmas season is always a fun time to learn this writing format so that we can write letters to Santa! We will finish our letters to Santa Claus next week so that he has plenty of time to write us back!
One of our math learning goals this week was to identify angles as either a right angle, greater than a right angle or less than a right angle. In grade three we do not actually need to name the angles or measure them using protractors... this is saved for grade four.

Yesterday, we used another math manipulative called pattern blocks to explore angles in 2 D shapes. As partners we solved a problem which allowed us to put our learning from yesterday into practice. I am thinking a "pop quiz" on Monday on angles.




We have been learning about the different ways to describe 2 D shapes. We have came up with the following list of attributes:

- type of lines (curvy or straight)
- number of sides
- length of sides
- parallel sides

- number and type of angles
We have been introduced to a math manipulative called a Geoboard. On this board students can make their own shape using an elastic band. After we make a shape we describe the shape using our attribute list.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Tree Of Light

Below is a link to the Tree of Light initiative that St. Andrew will take part in during the season of Advent!

Tree of Light Letter

Monday 30 November 2015

Math Tests

Math tests have been sent home today! Everyone did very well! Please review, sign and send them back to school for your child's assessment folder.
I encourage the boys and girls to continue practicing their basic facts and addition and subtraction of three digits at least once a week.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Math Unit Three

Today we wrote our math test and are ready to move on to our next math unit which is Geometry and Spatial Sense. In this unit students will:

- describe, compare and sort shapes and figures according to different attributes
- learn about parallel lines
- learn about congruency
- build models of a solid from a net

Monday 23 November 2015

Math Test Tomorrow

Tomorrow the boys and girls will write the unit test for addition and subtraction. On Friday practice tests were sent home for study purposes. I encourage the boys and girls to go over these again tonight!

It's here...

I think cold and flu season is officially amongst us. We had a chat about coughing in our arms and lots of hand cleaning. I will be washing down desks at the end of each day too to help minimize the spread of germs.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Math Centres

Today we practiced our number sense skills at various math centres. Not only was it fun but it helped us review and practice for our upcoming test. I will post various problems from now until Tuesday that the boys and girls can practice at home. Tonight's practice page is great math test prep too!

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Progress Reports

This evening the boys and girls will be bringing home their progress reports. Please review this document with your child and complete and return page three to school with the envelope.
I ask that the boys and girls have a good understanding of their strengths and next steps as we will work on completing report card reflections over the next few days.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Pic Collage

Today we explored an iPad app called "Pic Collage." We will be using this app to create media posters for health. I am excited about replacing "traditional" cut and paste activities with this technology.

Monday 16 November 2015

Making Meaningful Connections

Our Reading Block focus is on making meaningful connections to the texts we read. Good readers connect to the big ideas / lessons is the story rather than the small details. For example: connecting with the way a character felt after being teased versus connecting to the idea that you too have a red sweater like the main character gives a reader a deeper understanding of the author’s message. These deeper connections help us better understand the texts we read, and therefore, make us better readers! I encourage the boys and girls to try and make meaningful connections when doing their nightly reading at home!

Types of Connections we Make:
- Text-To-Self
- Text-To-Text
- Text-To-World
- Text-To-Faith

Math Test

We will have a math test on Tuesday November 24.

It will cover:

- addition and subtraction of up to three digits using the different strategies learned
- mental math
- find the missing number
- related facts
- estimation
- word problems (it is important that the students can identify whether they should add or subtract)

The boys and girls will bring home their books this week to practice and review at home.

Thursday 12 November 2015

World Diabetes Day

Tomorrow in support of World Diabetes the school will be wearing blue. Let's wear blur for this brave little girl and kids alike!

Email Addresses!

If moms or dads could write their email address in their child's agenda that would be helpful! Now and again I have a picture or sunshine note I would like to share and an email is sometimes a quick way to do it!

Thank you!

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Remembrance Day

Our Remembrance Day liturgy today was beautiful. Thank you to everyone who was able to come and join us in our celebration.
After the liturgy Second-Lieutenant Ted Bergen came back to our classroom. He explained his role in the Canadian Armed Forces and let us pass around some of his tools and equipment (such as his gps system, helmet and gloves). The boys and girls loved this authentic learning experience!

Monday 9 November 2015

Typing Practice

Today most of the boys and girls had a chance to practice their typing skills by typing a few sentences about why they wear a poppy.
I encourage the boys and girls to get on to a program like Microsoft Word once or twice a week at home in order to get comfortable with the keyboard and word documents. I tell the boys and girls that "chicken pecking" on the keyboard is fine. We do not need to do the "old school" way of typing... especially since a lot of the typing we do now a days in the "real world" will be on phones and tablets.

Mental Math

Mental math is math you do inside your head. We have been working on our mental math skills in the classroom. The boy and girls should practice mental math at home. Once they solve the answer they should be able to show or articulate what they did to solve.

For example:

28 + 36 = 64

I turned 28 into 30 by giving two of the ones from 36. That gave me 30 + 34.
30 + 30 is 60. Plus 4 more ones is 64.

POTW Presentation

This week the boys and girls will present the poem of the week. I have sent home the rubric I will be using to assess the presentation. It is inside their POTW duotang behind this weeks poem.
I encourage the boys and girls to memorize the poem. If they cannot, they can use cue cards, but should not strictly be reading from these. Our presentations will take place on Friday. We will not be having a POTW quiz this week.

Sunday 8 November 2015

Remembrance Day

The Grade Three classes are facilitating the Remembrance Day service / liturgy on Wednesday. It will take place at 10:30 in the gym. Please join us if you can! 
Remembrance Day is a day I hold close to my heart. My younger brother Kyle (or "Uncle Kyle" as the kiddies in my class have been referring to him as) is in the Canadian Armed Forces. He is stationed in CFB Edmonton, Alberta. It is weeks like this one that I am prouder than ever of him, but miss him like crazy all at the same time.
Below is a picture of his locker at work. He has our grandfather's tags from World War Two... how special!

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Some Facts

Here are a few facts about Type One Diabetes:

- there is no known cause
- it is NOT caused from eating too much sugar
- it can not be prevented
- the pancreas makes no insulin at all
- there is no cure

Addition and Subtraction

We have been learning a number of different ways to add and subtract over the last few days. Today we worked a lot with "traditional algorithms." We were using two digit numbers both with and without regrouping. This is a review of Grade Two expectations. This year, the boys and girls are required to do these algorithms with three digit numbers.
I encourage the kiddies to do some two digit practice at home over the next few days to help build their confidence in preparation for three digit numbers.
Below is what I mean by "traditional algorithms."

Monday 2 November 2015

Because of Winn Dixie

Last Wednesday we (finally) finished reading our class novel "There's a Boy in the Girls Bathroom." I have been reading this book to my kiddies now for six years and I think I actually love it more and more each time I read it. It is such a rich text with many complex yet loveable characters. I think that as a class we would all agree that we really connected emotionally to Bradley Chalkers. It was almost like he was the 21st kid in our class! We were sad to end our journey with him but very excited to begin our next novel.

On Thursday we began "Because of Winn Dixie." This is another fantastic story with so much to love! I can tell that the kiddies are all already hooked and excited to listen to this story unfold. Have a mentioned that I love reading and the magic it brings to the classroom... it's priceless!

Social Studies

Last week we began our first unit in Social Studies. For the first part of the year we learn about First Nation Communities and Early Settlers (pioneers). We spend from now until around Christmas learning just about the First Nations. The kiddies are thrilled and very enthusiastic for this unit. A lot of the learning will be inquiry based. I think everyone will really enjoy this unit and lots of great learning will take place!   

Sunday 1 November 2015

Diabetes Awareness Month

November is Diabetes Awareness Month.

Eight months ago, our oldest daughter Ashleigh (4 years old) was diagnosed with type one diabetes. Throughout the month of November I am going to share some diabetes facts and education with the kiddies at school. There are many myths and misunderstandings around this disease. It is my mission to educate and raise awareness. Knowledge is power! I will post facts to the blog and pictures of our brave little girl.
Below is a link to our story which also includes some basic information about type one diabetes.

Ashleigh's Story

Thursday 29 October 2015


Tomorrow the boys and girls are welcome to wear their costume to school.
Our Boogie-A-Thon time is from 10:55 to 11:30 in the gym.
Please do not send your child to school with any treats to share with the class. The boys and girls will receive a pumpkin shaped peanut - free cookie as a special treat after the dance.
I have some fun Halloween themed activities planned for the rest of the day! I look forward to a spook-tacular day!

Two Digit Addition

Today we began two digit addition. Over the last two weeks we have been working on mastering our basic facts and adding helpful strategies to our math tool belt. Two digit addition and subtraction requires us to recall our basic facts and dig into our tool belt to find the strategy that will help us solve successfully.

Here is an example of a problem we worked with today.

Your child would benefit from solving some two digit addition problems at home. Have them walk you through their strategy and thinking too.
There is an iPad app called "Show Me." It is a great tool for them to record their thinking (both verbal and written). We will be practicing with this app over the next few days!

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Story Retell

In reading we have begun the comprehension strategy of retell.

When we retell we tell the:


The main events that take place in the middle (usually four)

Solution (how the problem was solved)

Below is the graphic organizer that we are using to record our ideas while we read.

Find the Missing Number

We have begun to solve questions that requires us to find the missing number. Practicing similar questions at home would be helpful!

For example:

____ + 7 = 15

____ - 9 = 3

Monday 26 October 2015

Science Test

Madame Pasyk mentioned that there would be a Science test on Thursday. The kiddies will bring their duotang home each night for review!

More Practice...

We will continue to review "there, their and they're" this week. Many of us are not using the correct form in their writing and practice pages. Please have your child practice at home as well.

Below is an online quiz I found for home practice.

Online Practice

Thursday 22 October 2015

Addition Strategies

We have been (pardon the pun)... adding to our math tool belts over the last few days. I have been introducing the boys and girls to different strategies that might help them out for various addition questions. We are trying to rely less on our fingers, counters and calculators and more on our quick mental math strategies.
Here are a few of our new nifty strategies:

1.Doubles(these are just our double facts that we need to work on memorizing)
2.Near Doubles(e.g.7 + 8…
  You can do 7+7=14 + 1 = 15)
3.Make Ten (example 9 + 6 …
  You can do 10+6 = 16 – 1 = 15)
These are all wonderful strategies that, with practice, lead to quick mental math. Your child should regularly practice their doubles facts to help them solve doubles and near double questions quickly.

Research Is Underway!

Today we had a chance to begin our research. All kids were so focused and engaged... makes my teacher heart smile!

Wednesday 21 October 2015


New questions have been added to the online Prodigy game to match some of the recent learning that we have done. I can see that many kiddies are getting online to work with this wonderful resource! I encourage all kiddos to log on and solve some math this weekend... it can even be played on the iPad!


Tuesday 20 October 2015


We have begun a mini cross curricular research activity!
The students will choose a food that they would like to learn more about (we have developed a list to choose from). They will use an online encyclopedia to gather their information. From here they will take basic jot notes and then form a short paragraph about their food of choice.
Today we developed a number of questions to help guide our research. These questions were student generated. Some examples are: what does it look like? Feel like? Taste like? Smell like? What country does it come from? How does it grow? What food group is it in?
There were a number of other great questions that we decided to lump into a category called "interesting facts."
I am very excited to start this activity! We will cover many grade three expectations from reading, writing, media and health... and have lots  fun in the process!

Monday 19 October 2015

There, Their, They're

Our words of the week are there, their and they're.
Below is an anchor chart I used to help the kiddies know when to correctly use each one.

Learning Goals: Week of October 19

This week our learning goals are:

- to use a variety of strategies to add and subtract

- to correctly use there, their and they're

- to use the reading strategy of visualization

- to write about a main idea

- include interesting details in our writing

- learning skill focus is "initiative"

- in religion we will learn about feelings and relationships (family and friends)


I encourage the boys and girls to practice their doubles facts daily at home. They should be able to master these basic facts for quick and easy recall. Knowing these basic facts, will help them use other mental math strategies that we will be introduced to with ease.
We practice our doubles facts up to 12 + 12.

Math - Unit 2

We have began unit two in math: Patterns in Addition and Subtraction.
In this unit, your child will develop strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers by using addition charts, mental math, estimation, base ten blocks, place value mats and pencil and paper. The ability to use a variety of strategies to add and subtract leads to the development of strong number sense. Numbers are all around us and the skills taught in this unit are essential for daily living (Math Makes Sense, 2004).
Some ideas for home practice:

-     Practice doubles facts regularly (up to 12 + 12)

-     Add and subtract two digit numbers with and without regrouping

-     Solve word problems that require students to show their work and / or explain their thinking

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Today during our reading workshop we were introduced to the reading strategy of visualization. This is basically a big word for "making a picture or movie in your mind." When good readers do this, they are better able to understand the text and therefore, make more meaning from what they are reading!
This week's P.O.T.W. is great for practicing this reading strategy as the kiddos can make pictures in their mind of all the crazy "talents" the kids in the poem have.

Reading picture books aloud to your child and not showing them the pictures is also a great way to develop this strategy. Encourage them to make pictures in their mind and have them compare what they saw in their mind to the actual picture in the book.

Happy Reading!

Patterning Problem

We have continued to work on patterns in a hundreds chart this week.
Today we solved a similar problem:

Suppose you counted by 2s from 65 to 87. Would you say the number 73? Explain your thinking.

A hundreds chart may be a helpful tool!

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Practice Pages

Tonight each child is bringing home their Practice Page homework duo-tang. Practice Pages go home most Tuesday and Thursday nights. They are always a review of concepts and skills already taught and practiced in class. Therefore, they should never require teaching or help from mom and dad.The students are expected to complete the Practice Page neatly and return it to school the next day. I have explained that if there is ever a time that they cannot complete their homework, that decision is up to mom and dad and requires a note in the agenda. Thanks so much for your support in this area.  

To, Too, Two

We will be focusing again this week on the words to, too and two. I have noticed that we could use the extra review and practice to be sure we use them correctly.

Monday 12 October 2015

Math Tests Ready!

The math tests are all marked and ready to go home!
We all did really well and I can see a lot of growth that has taken place since the beginning of the unit!
You will notice that I have not put an actual level grade on the tests. I am a very anecdotal marker. I prefer to give the children lots of descriptive feedback versus a letter or number grade. I have found in the part that we get fixated on the numbers or letters. Level four kids see a 4 and do not think there are any next steps to work on. Level 2 kids seem to get discouraged and want to give up. The descriptive feedback ensures that all students receive both "did wells" and "next steps." I think it also helps develop a growth mindset, something we are working hard at developing.
The comments throughout the test and the language in my descriptive feedback are usually clear as to where your child sits on the achievement chart levels. However, if you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I hope that everyone ate lots and enjoyed the beautiful weather we have been blessed with!

Now... Go Jays Go!!

Wednesday 7 October 2015

We could use....

Some parents have been asking what our classroom could use.
Donations of the following would be helpful:

- baby wipes or disinfecting wipes (Lysol/Clorex etc.)
- boxes of Kleenex
- hand sanitizer

Portable life means no sink. I try and wash down desks as often as possible and have the boys and girls clean their hands often. The above items will help us stay clean and healthy in Portable 4!

Thank you!

Patterns in a Hundreds Chart

In math we have begun a mini unit in patterning. This tends to be one of the students least favourite math units so it is sorta nice to get it out of the way nice and early in the year. In this unit students will:

- identify and describe patterns on a hundreds chart

- identify and describe patterns on a number line

Today we solved a problem similar to the following:

Use the hundreds chart. Start at 42. Count on by 10s. What patterns do you notice?

Tuesday 6 October 2015

What's The Big Idea?

Yesterday during our Writer's Workshop we learned that good writers always stay on topic. You can easily pick out their main idea. In fact, it's almost as if it pops right off the page!
An important part of the writing process is planning. For the first three weeks of school we worked on writing "super" sentences. These are sentences that are detailed and interesting. We used charts to help us organize our ideas.  
Now we are learning that a web can be useful tool to organize our ideas. First I modelled how to make a web using my doggie Champ as my main idea. The kiddies then picked a manageable topic of their choice and got to work on their own web.

Today they worked on putting all their web ideas together to write a polished paragraph. I look forward to reading them all!

We survived!

We survived our first math test of Grade Three! We all worked hard to complete it and are very happy it is done! I am so proud of all my chickadees for their hard work throughout this unit.

Monday 5 October 2015

Learning Goals - Week of October 5

A short but busy week ahead!

- We will find and explain patterns in a hundreds chart
- We will identify verbs
- We will identify and define contractions
- We will write mini paragraphs and stick to a main idea
- We will read fluently
- We will correctly use to, too and two
- We will prepare our hearts for thanksgiving
- We will learn about the Learning Skill of collaboration

Happy Monday Y'all!

Don't forget...

Tomorrow is math test day! We reviewed some more today and the boys and girls seem in great shape!

Ear Buds

I am requesting that the boys and girls bring in a pair of ear buds / earphones for classroom use (these can even be purchased at the dollar store). We will begin using the classroom computers and iPads next week. Having our own earphones will help minimize distractions.
Please send them to school in a small ziplock bag labelled with your child's name.

Thank You!

Thursday 1 October 2015

Math Test Practice #2

Here are a few more questions to practice for Monday's math test.
The kiddies are also encouraged to log on and practice their skills on Prodigy Math.

When is 1000 a small number? When is 1000 a large number? Explain your thinking.

Round the following numbers to the nearest ten


Wednesday 30 September 2015

Math Test Practice #1

1. Using base ten models show the number 324 three different ways (remember that we draw squares for hundreds, lines for tens and dots for ones).

2. Make the following statement true:

_____  >  952


One of our word study focuses this week has been on pronouns. Pronouns are words that replace nouns. They make our speech and writing shorter and clearer by avoiding unnecessary repetition.

Below is a link to an online pronoun game for some at home practice!

Pronoun Practice

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Math Test

We will have our first math test on Tuesday October 6th.

The test will cover:

- Showing numbers in a variety of ways (both two and three digits)
- Comparing numbers using the signs < > =
- Ordering numbers from greatest to least and least to greatest
- When is a number big? When is a number small?
- Rounding numbers to the nearest ten

Most of the questions will be problem solving based. I will post similar questions for practice from now until Monday and will send home math duotangs for review of concepts.

More Rounding Practice!

Today we did lots of practice with rounding numbers to the nearest ten. Most of us are getting a good handle on it. I urge the boys and girls to review their skills at home too. I updated our prodigy math site to include rounding questions. Below is the link for prodigy math. The boys and girls were send home their login information on Friday.

Prodigy Math

Dinner table challenge: Talk about times that you have used rounding in real life.

Monday 28 September 2015

Fluency Fun

Our Reading Workshops this week will focus on fluency. Today we learned that fluent readers pay attention to punctuation. We had a lot of fun practicing this with something we all know very well... the alphabet! I added various punctuation to it, which changed the way it was read. Here is an example of what our alphabet passage today:



One of our learning goals for the week is to round numbers to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred. Today we focused mainly on rounding to the nearest ten. This can be a tricky idea to grasp so we will practice, practice and practice all this week.
I taught the kiddies a cute little song for the rounding rules. Hopefully they are singing it around the house tonight :)

Comparing Numbers

Over the last few days we have been very busy learning how to compare and order numbers. 
We have learned how to use the mathematical symbols of < and >. Not only do we know how to use the symbols, but we also know how to correctly read a math sentence that uses these symbols. 
For example kidddies, tell mom and dad how to read...

534 > 521
Here is a problem that the whole family could have fun with:
There are 2 jars of candies. 
The number of candies in each jar has the digits: 2, 5 and 6.
Jar A has fewer candies than jar B.
How many candies could there be in each jar?
How do you know?
How many ways can you find?

Have fun!

Sunday 27 September 2015

Learning Goals - Week of Sept 28

Learning Goals this week:

- we will round numbers (to the nearest ten and nearest hundred)
- we will identify pronouns
- we will identify contractions and their meanings
- we will read fluently
- we will write super sentences
- we will be bucket fillers

Beautiful Oops!

As part of Fun Friday we read an inspiring book called "Beautiful Oops" by Barney Saltzberg. My goal of the lesson was for the kiddies to realize that we can learn from our mistakes and that sometimes when we make an "oops" it can be turned into something beautiful!

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Workshop Day!

Today I was away all day at an in-service. I trust that the boys and girls had a great day with their supply teacher and I look forward to seeing them tomorrow!

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Curriculum Night

Curriculum night is Thursday night! The format has changed a bit this year. Mrs. Balogh sent out an email to families tonight that read the following...

New this year – we are encouraging students from grades 1 to 8, to attend with their parents, so they can introduce their teachers and demonstrate their learning with a guided tour of the classroom and our school. This student-led event, will provide an opportunity to develop self-confidence and leadership skills, as well as having a voice in sharing the key learning components of the class. The homeroom teachers will spend the first part of each session with some information items, and then time will be provided for the student-led visit.

I am excited for the boys and girls to participate and have a voice in this important evening and I look forward to meeting everyone!

Monday 21 September 2015

Problem Solving

In math we have begun learning about how we solve problems. I introduced the boys and girls to a "Four Step Problem Solving Plan." Together we created an anchor chart to help us understand what each part of the plan means. Over the next few weeks we will practice, practice and practice solving various problems. We will practice as a whole group, small groups and independently to solve problems using this plan. My math program is very problem solving based as it is my philosophy that rich and meaningful problems help develop and foster higher level and critical thinking skills.  
Here is an idea of the Four Step Plan

Step 1: Think
- read and reread the problem
- highlight what you know (what is important)
- highlight and think about what you need to find out

Step 2: Plan
- make a plan (what should I do?)
- choose a strategy
- gather your materials

Step 3: Do
- follow your strategy
- solve the problem / find the answer
- show your work clearly using pictures, numbers OR words
- write a finishing sentence

Step 4: Look Back
- check your answer
- add more detail to clearly show your thinking
- think if there is a different or better strategy you could use next time