Monday 2 November 2015

Because of Winn Dixie

Last Wednesday we (finally) finished reading our class novel "There's a Boy in the Girls Bathroom." I have been reading this book to my kiddies now for six years and I think I actually love it more and more each time I read it. It is such a rich text with many complex yet loveable characters. I think that as a class we would all agree that we really connected emotionally to Bradley Chalkers. It was almost like he was the 21st kid in our class! We were sad to end our journey with him but very excited to begin our next novel.

On Thursday we began "Because of Winn Dixie." This is another fantastic story with so much to love! I can tell that the kiddies are all already hooked and excited to listen to this story unfold. Have a mentioned that I love reading and the magic it brings to the classroom... it's priceless!

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