Monday 12 October 2015

Math Tests Ready!

The math tests are all marked and ready to go home!
We all did really well and I can see a lot of growth that has taken place since the beginning of the unit!
You will notice that I have not put an actual level grade on the tests. I am a very anecdotal marker. I prefer to give the children lots of descriptive feedback versus a letter or number grade. I have found in the part that we get fixated on the numbers or letters. Level four kids see a 4 and do not think there are any next steps to work on. Level 2 kids seem to get discouraged and want to give up. The descriptive feedback ensures that all students receive both "did wells" and "next steps." I think it also helps develop a growth mindset, something we are working hard at developing.
The comments throughout the test and the language in my descriptive feedback are usually clear as to where your child sits on the achievement chart levels. However, if you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me!

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