Friday 11 October 2013

Ready for Research!

Yesterday we integrated our Social Studies lesson with Media. As mentioned last week, we are learning all about the First Nations. Yesterday our focus was on how a new village is built. Many First Nation People built and lived in longhouses. Instead of just telling the students all the information about these homes, I had students go on a web hunt with a partner. Using the iPads, I first taught the kiddies how to get onto the web and do what we call a "smart search." Once we found some websites that looked good, the kiddies read and researched information in pairs about longhouses. They were to come up with two facts to share with the class. I was amazed at the learning that took place. It seemed much more effective than me standing up front of the class and listing off the facts to the kids. This was definitely much more engaging and memorable this way! Next week we will share our research and make an anchor chart all about longhouses. I look forward to developing our research skills as the unit unfolds!

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