Thursday 24 October 2013

Busy Busy Busy!

Over the last few days we have been busy little bees in Room 209! Our reading blocks have been full of making meaningful connections to various texts as well as guided reading with the teacher. During writing block we have been working on including interesting details in our work. We have been reading samples of work and deciding what are "treasures" (details that are interesting and worth keeping) and what is "trash" (the stuff that is sorta boring and we can get rid of). After lots of whole and small group practice we were ready to start something exciting today! As pairs we chose a non fiction animal book to read. After reading the text the boys and girls were to go back and discuss what facts really stood out to them as treasures. Finally, they were to record 5 - 7 treasures in jot note form in preparation to write their own paragraph about that animal. The buzz that was taking place in the classroom was amazing! Everyone was engaged in their task and thrilled to record only what they found most interesting. Next week we will continue our jot notes and begin writing some very interesting paragraphs.  

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