Monday 21 October 2013

Math Strategies

We have been (pardon the pun)... adding to our math tool belts over the last few days. I have been introducing the boys and girls to different strategies that might help them out for various addition questions. We are trying to rely less on our fingers, counters and calculators and more on our quick mental math strategies.
Here are a few of our new nifty strategies:

1.Doubles(these are just our double facts that we need to work on memorizing)
2.Near Doubles(e.g.7 + 8…
  You can do 7+7=14 + 1 = 15)
3.Make Ten (example 9 + 6 …
  You can do 10+6 = 16 – 1 = 15)
These are all wonderful strategies that, with practice, lead to quick mental math. Your child should regularly practice their doubles facts to help them solve doubles and near double questions quickly.

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