Tuesday 3 September 2013

First Day Back!

We had a wonderful first day in Room 209! I must say we were a bunch of eager beavers ready to learn and start our day. This made for one smiley teacher!

Our day started with an explanation of routines and expectations and we worked on a fun "All About Me" booklet. In the afternoon we took a tour of our classroom library and did some relaxing reading. The day ended with our evening meeting where we practiced reading our Poem Of The Week (P.O.T.W). Each week we will receive a new poem and as part of our nightly reading we are to practice reading it fluently and with lots of expression. At the end of the week we have a P.O.T.W test. This week we will write it as a class so that everyone knows what to expect on future tests. We are always more than prepared come Friday and everyone does well!

I am sure everyone is nice and tired after a day of getting back into routine... or at least I know I am! I look forward to a great year ahead.

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