Thursday 5 September 2013

Even Steven and Odd Todd

Today's math lesson was all about odd and even numbers! We came up with some really neat ideas to help us understand and identify these numbers easily. Here is what the kiddies came up with:

- Even numbers always end in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.
- Even numbers can be shared fairly with someone else.
- If you add an even number with another even number the answer will also be even!
- Odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
- Odd numbers cannot be shared evenly with someone else... there is always leftover.
- When you add an odd number with another odd number your answer will always be even!

Talk about some great thinking for only the third day of school!


  1. Once you break an even number in half it always becomes odd.

    Mrs. Linse, I am confused by this statement as it is not true (i.e. half of 4 is 2, half of 8 is 4, half of 16 is 8, etc.). Did I misunderstand this statement?

  2. Yes! You are right! We had added this to our anchor chart but when I had the kiddies investigate the idea further they discovered it is not always true and only sometimes works.
    It should have not made it to my posting. Whoops! Posting a blog after a long busy day is sometimes not the best idea! Editing now! :)
