Tuesday 24 September 2013


Over the last 16 days of school we have been learning about the different things that good readers do. Today our focus was on the reading strategy of visualization. This is a big word for "making a picture or movie in your mind." When good readers do this, they are better able to understand the text and therefore, make more meaning from what they are reading!
I love when we are able to make a very clear connection between reading and writing, and today was one of those days! During our Writer's Workshops we have been learning how to "sparkle" up simple sentences. Good writers use interesting words. When you use interesting words you help make a picture in the reader's mind. Teaching about visualization in reading today really helped me emphasize the need to "sparkle" up our own writing!
This week's P.O.T.W. is great for practicing this reading strategy. We illustrated some pretty funny pictures of what Tillie may have looked like eating that bowl of chili! It was pretty hilarious! Also, I did so much visualizing myself that I just had to go home and make my own chili for dinner tonight... yum yum!

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