Monday 30 September 2013

What's The Big Idea?

Today during our Writer's Workshop we learned that good writers always stay on topic. You can easily pick out their main fact, it's almost as if it pops right off the page!
An important part of the writing process is planning. For the first three weeks of school we worked on writing "sparkly" sentences. These are sentences that are detailed and interesting. We used charts to help us organize our ideas.  
Now we are learning that a web can be useful tool to organize our ideas. First I modelled how to make a web using my doggie Champ as my main idea. The kiddies then picked a manageable topic of their choice and got to work! This week we will work on putting all our web ideas together to write a polished paragraph!

Thursday 26 September 2013

Rounding Fun

Today we learned all about rounding to the nearest ten. I can't believe how quickly all of us grasped this concept! We even learned a catchy song to help us remember the rounding rules.
We talked about rounding our age. The boys and girls discovered that they are all "about ten." However, not such good news for the moms and dads who's age rounds up.... the kiddies quickly aged ya in class today and thought it was hysterical!

Wednesday 25 September 2013

We survived!

We survived our first math test of Grade Three! We all worked hard to complete it and had a collective sigh of relief when it was all done! I am so proud of all my chickadees for their hard work throughout this unit. Tomorrow we will start a mini unit in rounding. I have some cutesy songs that I teach to help us remember the rounding rules! It is lots o' fun!

They're not the same!

There, their and they're have been our word study focus of the week. We have been learning how to use each one and have been putting them to practice each morning in some Smartboard fun! I encourage the kiddies to practice not only spelling these words at home but using them correctly in practice sentences as well!

Practice Sentences

Building Community

One of the ways that we build community in our classroom is through our weekly star of the week presentations. Star of the week not only helps us learn more about our friends but it also helps build self esteem and confidence in the star! Last night I had an "ah ha" moment and decided this year to add another component to our star of the week. At the end of each week, each child will fill out a page about the star and this will be included in the book with the stars "all about me pages." I will put all sheets together as a book and at the end of the year it will be a special keepsake for each child! Here is what our new star component looks like! I can't wait to see how both Kylie's (last weeks star) and Sophia's book turn out!

Tuesday 24 September 2013


Over the last 16 days of school we have been learning about the different things that good readers do. Today our focus was on the reading strategy of visualization. This is a big word for "making a picture or movie in your mind." When good readers do this, they are better able to understand the text and therefore, make more meaning from what they are reading!
I love when we are able to make a very clear connection between reading and writing, and today was one of those days! During our Writer's Workshops we have been learning how to "sparkle" up simple sentences. Good writers use interesting words. When you use interesting words you help make a picture in the reader's mind. Teaching about visualization in reading today really helped me emphasize the need to "sparkle" up our own writing!
This week's P.O.T.W. is great for practicing this reading strategy. We illustrated some pretty funny pictures of what Tillie may have looked like eating that bowl of chili! It was pretty hilarious! Also, I did so much visualizing myself that I just had to go home and make my own chili for dinner tonight... yum yum!

Monday 23 September 2013

Math Test

Today during math we did lots of review to prepare us for Wednesday's test. We started with some whole group review, followed by a small group problem and then some independent practice. Each child has received and started a copy of a practice test. Usually I just post these to the blog but in being our first one I thought I would get us started! The practice test is very similar to our test on Wednesday. I like to do this for the first test to really help build our test taking confidence! I encourage the boys and girls to work through the practice test a bit tonight. We will have more time during math tomorrow too.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Comparing Numbers

Over the last few days we have been very busy learning how to compare and order numbers. 
We have learned how to use the mathematical symbols of < and >. Not only do we know how to use the symbols, but we also know how to correctly read a math sentence that uses these symbols. 
For example kidddies, tell mom and dad how to read...

534 > 521

Here is a problem that the whole family could have fun with:

There are 2 jars of candies. 
The number of candies in each jar has the digits: 2, 5 and 6.
Jar A has fewer candies than jar B.
How many candies could there be in each jar?
How do you know?
How many ways can you find?

Have fun!


Yesterday we received one of our "lowest tech tools" that we will use in Room 209... our own personal whiteboards! I like to call these our "slates" (sorta like what the pioneer kiddies used back in the 1800s). We will use our slates daily to solve problems, practice skills and show our learning (this is also a great way for me to "check in" and ensure that all kiddies are understanding new concepts and skills). 
We were all thrilled to receive this new tool and put it to great use over the last two days. Isn't learning fun?! 

Monday 16 September 2013


Today we learned a big sophisticated word for something that we already know all about! That special word was schema. Schema is all the information already in your head. We use our schema all the time. In addition, we are constantly adding to it too. We tried to imagine our schema like a huge filing cabinet inside of our brains. In this big cabinet are zillions of files. When we need the information, our schema goes to that file and we can recall what we need to. We will learn how schema is particularly important for reading. It helps us to make predictions, connections, inferences, and make pictures in our mind. Overall, when we activate our schema, it better helps us understand the texts that we read! Also, the more you read, the more you add to your schema! So kiddies... snuggle up with a good book tonight and activate that schema of yours!

Sunday 15 September 2013

Autumn Art

Oh my... where did the weekend go?!? I can't believe it is already Sunday night. This weekend went by extra quick having a very sick toddler at home (*groans at daycare germs*). I hope you had a happy (and healthy) weekend!

On Friday we had lots of fun with some art. I have a group of some very skilled artists in my class!

Thursday 12 September 2013

Partner Practice!

Today during math we began by reviewing the "Four Step Problem Solving Plan" from yesterday's lesson. Then we all gathered on the carpet to discuss and create a chart for what working with others looks like, sounds like and feels like. We came up with many fabulous ideas! Finally it was time to put these ideas to practice by solving a problem with a partner. I was extremely impressed with all my chickadees. Each and every one of them were spectacular group members. The class was buzzing with meaningful math talk!
Way to go kiddies!

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Solving Problems

In math we have begun learning about how we solve problems. I introduced the boys and girls to a "Four Step Problem Solving Plan." Together we created an anchor chart to help us understand what each part of the plan means. Over the next few weeks we will practice, practice and practice solving various problems. We will practice as a whole group, small groups and independently to solve problems using this plan. My math program is very problem solving based as it is my philosophy that rich and meaningful problems help develop and foster higher level and critical thinking skills.  
Here is an idea of the Four Step Plan

Step 1: Think
- read and reread the problem
- highlight what you know (what is important)
- highlight and think about what you need to find out

Step 2: Plan
- make a plan (what should I do?)
- choose a strategy
- gather your materials

Step 3: Do
- follow your strategy
- solve the problem / find the answer
- show your work clearly using pictures, numbers OR words

Step 4: Look Back
- check your answer
- add more detail to clearly show your thinking
- think if there is a different or better strategy you could use next time


First Library Visit

Today we had our first library visit of 2013. Mrs. Murray went over library expectations and this year the kiddies were thrilled to learn that they can take out two books at each visit! Mrs. Murray went over how to choose a "just right book" and was thrilled that my smartie pants class already knew all about choosing these! Hearing them tell Mrs. Murray everything we have been learning in our reading workshops over the last few days put a big smile on my face! Way to go chickadees!

Library will continue to be each Wednesday morning this year.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Let's Fill Buckets!

Today I used a beautiful book to teach a pretty important lesson to the boys and girls. The book is called "How Full Is Your Bucket?" The moral of the story is that we all want to be bucket fillers, not bucket dippers.
The "bucket" concept is that we all carry around imaginary buckets with us all day long (moms and dads too!).
When your bucket is full, you feel more confident, happy and positive. When your bucket is empty, it contains few, if any, positive thoughts or feelings. When your bucket is empty you become sad, negative, nervous, angry, worried and afraid.
Our job as God's children is to help others keep a full bucket, and when we help fill a bucket, ours too will remain full! It's a win win scenario!
Some ways we can Fill Buckets:
- Using actions or words that show that you care about someone.
- Saying or doing something kind.
-Giving someone a heartfelt smile.
-Using names with respect.
-Helping without being asked.
-Giving sincere compliments.
-Showing respect to others. 
There are TONS of wonderful ways to fill buckets. We will continue to discuss how we fill buckets each day!

Monday 9 September 2013

Picking a Just Right Book!

Over the next few weeks our reading workshop focus is on what good readers do. We have already discussed the following:

- good readers take care of books
- good readers do not switch their books very quickly
- good readers read a variety of different books
- good readers don't flip through books too quickly
- good readers know how to choose a book that will interest them
- good readers know how to choose a "just right book"

Below is a link for moms and dads that give some great tips about choosing "just right books" to read at home.

Choosing a Book

Happy Reading!

Friday 6 September 2013

The Kazooers!

And here you have em'... the crazy group of kazooers! 
Happy Friday everyone!

Fun Friday!

This week has been spectacular! All students are getting used to my classroom expectations and rules which is making for a great learning environment where students can get the most out of the lessons I deliver.
We wrote our first P.O.T.W test this morning. We filled in all the answers together. It was sent home for you to look over and get an idea of what the children will see each week. All questions asked are covered in mini lessons throughout the week during the evening meeting so there are never any tricks!
This afternoon we had our first "Fun Friday." This is something that we look forward to all week. We get to watch a video while we eat lunch and then in the afternoon we do some extra fun activities. Today we played Place Value Bingo and then we each received our own special kazoo! We played some funny songs and shared many laughs. Keep an eye out for us folks... I think we are ready to take our show on the road! 

Thursday 5 September 2013

Even Steven and Odd Todd

Today's math lesson was all about odd and even numbers! We came up with some really neat ideas to help us understand and identify these numbers easily. Here is what the kiddies came up with:

- Even numbers always end in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.
- Even numbers can be shared fairly with someone else.
- If you add an even number with another even number the answer will also be even!
- Odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
- Odd numbers cannot be shared evenly with someone else... there is always leftover.
- When you add an odd number with another odd number your answer will always be even!

Talk about some great thinking for only the third day of school!

Our First Novel

We end each day as a little family with something that we call "Evening Meeting." This is my absolute favourite time of the day! During Evening meeting we always gather at the carpet. We share some stories, talk about our day and the learning that took place and we always have some good laughs. It is a perfect way to end our day as the little family that we are! We also practice our P.O.T.W and then I read to the kiddies from our class novel. Our first novel of the year is one of my faves! It's called "There's A Boy In The Girls Bathroom" by Louis Sachar. Every year the kids fall in love with the book and all the characters. We just started the book yesterday and I can tell many of us are hooked already! 

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Fun With Place Value

Today we had our first math lesson. It was all about place value. Place value is a tricky concept for young learners to grasp, so lots of hands on experiences and review help build a better understanding. Today, our first "hands on" fun was with the Smartboard! I created an interactive lesson where the boys and girls could come up and show numbers a variety of different ways using base ten blocks or numbers. They had a lot of fun manipulating the objects on the board and writing with the "magic" pens. If you are unfamiliar with what the Smartboard is, it is basically a large interactive computer! A projector projects the image from my computer screen onto the board.  This allows students to come up to the board and "touch" it. They can write on it, move objects around and really interact with the screen. I guess the kiddies sorta become the "mouse." I love this tool and we use it every single day!
Today everyone had a blast testing it out and I am confident it helped us better understand place value too!

A little review for moms and dads who are saying ..... ummm what is place value?!
Here is an example:
The number 132 is 1hundred, 3 tens and 2 ones
You can show it with base ten men too!
There are other ways to show this same number but we are keeping it simple for now!

Tuesday 3 September 2013

First Day Back!

We had a wonderful first day in Room 209! I must say we were a bunch of eager beavers ready to learn and start our day. This made for one smiley teacher!

Our day started with an explanation of routines and expectations and we worked on a fun "All About Me" booklet. In the afternoon we took a tour of our classroom library and did some relaxing reading. The day ended with our evening meeting where we practiced reading our Poem Of The Week (P.O.T.W). Each week we will receive a new poem and as part of our nightly reading we are to practice reading it fluently and with lots of expression. At the end of the week we have a P.O.T.W test. This week we will write it as a class so that everyone knows what to expect on future tests. We are always more than prepared come Friday and everyone does well!

I am sure everyone is nice and tired after a day of getting back into routine... or at least I know I am! I look forward to a great year ahead.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Some Pictures

I have posted a few pictures of our classroom that I took on Friday. Soon we will fill up those empty bulletin boards with work that we are very proud of. I look forward to meeting my 19 new chickadees!!

The album is called "Classroom." It is not password protected (but the others are). I will share our password in the agenda this week!

Classroom Pictures