Tuesday 15 September 2015

Math Riddles

Math in Portable Four involves a lot of hands on practice. Lots of critical thinking and questioning takes place. We do very few worksheets/drill type questions. Rather, we solve problems with partners or in groups, work with hands on materials and  use the Smartboard and other technology. Math is something that I LOVE and have a lot of fun with. I am very passionate about problem solving and stretching our thinking.

Over the last few days we have been working on place value and building both two and three digit numbers. Today the boys and girls solved some math riddles with a partner.

Here is an example of a few:

- I have 23 ones and 4 tens. Who am I?

- I have 30 ones and 3 hundreds. Who am I?

- I have 4 hundreds, 12 tens and 6 ones. Who am I?

Happy Solving!

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