Sunday 13 September 2015

First Fun Friday

Our first week has been spectacular! All students are getting used to my classroom expectations and rules which is making for a great learning environment where students can get the most out of the lessons I deliver.
On Friday, we wrote our first P.O.T.W test. We filled in all the answers together. It was sent home for you to look over and get an idea of what the children will see each week. All questions asked are covered in mini lessons throughout the week during the evening meeting so there are never any tricks!
In the afternoon we had our first "Fun Friday." This is something that we look forward to all week. We are a little more laid back and do some extra fun activities. On Friday we played Place Value Bingo. We have been learning about place value all week in math, and this was a fun way to put our skills to work. We had a blast and look forward to playing it again!

Our week ahead will be a busy one... we are ready to dive right into Grade Three curriculum!
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

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