Wednesday 30 September 2015

Math Test Practice #1

1. Using base ten models show the number 324 three different ways (remember that we draw squares for hundreds, lines for tens and dots for ones).

2. Make the following statement true:

_____  >  952


One of our word study focuses this week has been on pronouns. Pronouns are words that replace nouns. They make our speech and writing shorter and clearer by avoiding unnecessary repetition.

Below is a link to an online pronoun game for some at home practice!

Pronoun Practice

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Math Test

We will have our first math test on Tuesday October 6th.

The test will cover:

- Showing numbers in a variety of ways (both two and three digits)
- Comparing numbers using the signs < > =
- Ordering numbers from greatest to least and least to greatest
- When is a number big? When is a number small?
- Rounding numbers to the nearest ten

Most of the questions will be problem solving based. I will post similar questions for practice from now until Monday and will send home math duotangs for review of concepts.

More Rounding Practice!

Today we did lots of practice with rounding numbers to the nearest ten. Most of us are getting a good handle on it. I urge the boys and girls to review their skills at home too. I updated our prodigy math site to include rounding questions. Below is the link for prodigy math. The boys and girls were send home their login information on Friday.

Prodigy Math

Dinner table challenge: Talk about times that you have used rounding in real life.

Monday 28 September 2015

Fluency Fun

Our Reading Workshops this week will focus on fluency. Today we learned that fluent readers pay attention to punctuation. We had a lot of fun practicing this with something we all know very well... the alphabet! I added various punctuation to it, which changed the way it was read. Here is an example of what our alphabet passage today:



One of our learning goals for the week is to round numbers to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred. Today we focused mainly on rounding to the nearest ten. This can be a tricky idea to grasp so we will practice, practice and practice all this week.
I taught the kiddies a cute little song for the rounding rules. Hopefully they are singing it around the house tonight :)

Comparing Numbers

Over the last few days we have been very busy learning how to compare and order numbers. 
We have learned how to use the mathematical symbols of < and >. Not only do we know how to use the symbols, but we also know how to correctly read a math sentence that uses these symbols. 
For example kidddies, tell mom and dad how to read...

534 > 521
Here is a problem that the whole family could have fun with:
There are 2 jars of candies. 
The number of candies in each jar has the digits: 2, 5 and 6.
Jar A has fewer candies than jar B.
How many candies could there be in each jar?
How do you know?
How many ways can you find?

Have fun!

Sunday 27 September 2015

Learning Goals - Week of Sept 28

Learning Goals this week:

- we will round numbers (to the nearest ten and nearest hundred)
- we will identify pronouns
- we will identify contractions and their meanings
- we will read fluently
- we will write super sentences
- we will be bucket fillers

Beautiful Oops!

As part of Fun Friday we read an inspiring book called "Beautiful Oops" by Barney Saltzberg. My goal of the lesson was for the kiddies to realize that we can learn from our mistakes and that sometimes when we make an "oops" it can be turned into something beautiful!

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Workshop Day!

Today I was away all day at an in-service. I trust that the boys and girls had a great day with their supply teacher and I look forward to seeing them tomorrow!

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Curriculum Night

Curriculum night is Thursday night! The format has changed a bit this year. Mrs. Balogh sent out an email to families tonight that read the following...

New this year – we are encouraging students from grades 1 to 8, to attend with their parents, so they can introduce their teachers and demonstrate their learning with a guided tour of the classroom and our school. This student-led event, will provide an opportunity to develop self-confidence and leadership skills, as well as having a voice in sharing the key learning components of the class. The homeroom teachers will spend the first part of each session with some information items, and then time will be provided for the student-led visit.

I am excited for the boys and girls to participate and have a voice in this important evening and I look forward to meeting everyone!

Monday 21 September 2015

Problem Solving

In math we have begun learning about how we solve problems. I introduced the boys and girls to a "Four Step Problem Solving Plan." Together we created an anchor chart to help us understand what each part of the plan means. Over the next few weeks we will practice, practice and practice solving various problems. We will practice as a whole group, small groups and independently to solve problems using this plan. My math program is very problem solving based as it is my philosophy that rich and meaningful problems help develop and foster higher level and critical thinking skills.  
Here is an idea of the Four Step Plan

Step 1: Think
- read and reread the problem
- highlight what you know (what is important)
- highlight and think about what you need to find out

Step 2: Plan
- make a plan (what should I do?)
- choose a strategy
- gather your materials

Step 3: Do
- follow your strategy
- solve the problem / find the answer
- show your work clearly using pictures, numbers OR words
- write a finishing sentence

Step 4: Look Back
- check your answer
- add more detail to clearly show your thinking
- think if there is a different or better strategy you could use next time

Comparing Numbers

The last two weeks in math were spent building a very strong foundation in place value. The boys and girls have been composing and decomposing various two and three digit numbers. It is very important that they have a deep understanding of place value in order to move on with the rest of the math curriculum. I encourage the boys and girls to continue to practice making numbers (using hundreds, tens and ones models or pictures at home too).

Today we began comparing and ordering numbers. We warmed up playing a fun little game (which could be played at home too). I rolled a die three times. Each time I rolled a number the boys and girls had to decide if they would put it in the hundreds, tens or ones digit. The goal was to try and make the biggest possible number. It was a fun way to begin wrapping our heads around comparing numbers. After wards we did our first true problem solving (Grade Three style) in small groups. Here was todays problem!

Little Bear had the following base ten blocks:
2 flats (hundreds)
10 rods (tens)
3 cubes (ones)

Big Bird had the following base ten blocks
1 flats (hundreds)
21 rods (tens)
3 cubes (ones)

Which critter had the bigger number? Show your work.

Tomorrow we will learn all about the symbols "greater than and less than" and how to use them!

Thursday 17 September 2015

1000... Big or Small?

Today we were introduced to the number 1000. Although many of us said that 1000 is a big number, we talked about times when it could be considered a small number too! The boys and girls worked in small groups to investigate this idea. Posted are just some of our thoughts!

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Let's Fill Buckets

Today I used a beautiful book to teach a pretty important lesson to the boys and girls. The book is called "How Full Is Your Bucket?" The moral of the story is that we all want to be bucket fillers, not bucket dippers.
The "bucket" concept is that we all carry around imaginary buckets with us all day long (moms and dads too!).
When your bucket is full, you feel more confident, happy and positive. When your bucket is empty, it contains few, if any, positive thoughts or feelings. When your bucket is empty you become sad, negative, nervous, angry, worried and afraid.
Our job as God's children is to help others keep a full bucket, and when we help fill a bucket, ours too will remain full! It's a win win scenario!

Some ways we can Fill Buckets:

- Using actions or words that show that you care about someone.
- Saying or doing something kind.
-Giving someone a heartfelt smile.
-Using names with respect.
-Helping without being asked.
-Giving sincere compliments.
-Showing respect to others. 
There are TONS of wonderful ways to fill buckets. We will continue to discuss how we fill buckets each day!

Tuesday 15 September 2015


Don't forget...
Tomorrow is picture day!

Volunteers Needed

We require a parent volunteer to walk with us to mass on Thursday morning. Please write a note in your child's agenda if you can join us. Thank you!

Math Riddles

Math in Portable Four involves a lot of hands on practice. Lots of critical thinking and questioning takes place. We do very few worksheets/drill type questions. Rather, we solve problems with partners or in groups, work with hands on materials and  use the Smartboard and other technology. Math is something that I LOVE and have a lot of fun with. I am very passionate about problem solving and stretching our thinking.

Over the last few days we have been working on place value and building both two and three digit numbers. Today the boys and girls solved some math riddles with a partner.

Here is an example of a few:

- I have 23 ones and 4 tens. Who am I?

- I have 30 ones and 3 hundreds. Who am I?

- I have 4 hundreds, 12 tens and 6 ones. Who am I?

Happy Solving!

Monday 14 September 2015

Words Of The Week

Today we were given our first set of words of the week. These words are recorded in our agendas, personal dictionaries and posted on the classroom word wall. We will practice them throughout the week through various activities and games. The boys and girls are expected to be practicing and reviewing these words at home as well. All words become "no excuse" words and should always be spelled correctly (since they are posted on the word wall, personal dictionaries and practiced regularly).

Some ideas for practicing the words this week:

- write them using a fun marker or pen on note paper
- while the weather is still nice write them on the sidewalk with chalk
- we learned a chant for the word "because"... have your child sing this in the bath or shower
- discuss the word could.. what else can you spell if you can spell could?

Sunday 13 September 2015

First Fun Friday

Our first week has been spectacular! All students are getting used to my classroom expectations and rules which is making for a great learning environment where students can get the most out of the lessons I deliver.
On Friday, we wrote our first P.O.T.W test. We filled in all the answers together. It was sent home for you to look over and get an idea of what the children will see each week. All questions asked are covered in mini lessons throughout the week during the evening meeting so there are never any tricks!
In the afternoon we had our first "Fun Friday." This is something that we look forward to all week. We are a little more laid back and do some extra fun activities. On Friday we played Place Value Bingo. We have been learning about place value all week in math, and this was a fun way to put our skills to work. We had a blast and look forward to playing it again!

Our week ahead will be a busy one... we are ready to dive right into Grade Three curriculum!
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Thursday 10 September 2015

Big Day for this mama!

Our oldest "baby" started school today! Ashleigh was super excited for JK while tears were hiding behind mama's glasses and smile.

Odd or Even

Today's math lesson was mainly about odd and even numbers! We came up with some really neat ideas to help us understand and identify these numbers easily. Here is what the kiddies came up with:
- Even numbers always end in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.
- Even numbers can be shared fairly with someone else.
- Odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
- Odd numbers cannot be shared evenly with someone else... there is always leftover.

We had some great math thinking around an idea that came up: "numbers are always even when you count by twos." 

Some students did not agree with this statement and respectfully disagreed. It was mentioned that if you start on an odd number and count by twos, the numbers will always be dd.

The dialogue that took place between the class while they worked through this idea and thinking was rich and demonstrated great critical thinking skills. It was a truly amazing moment in P4!

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Place Value

Today we had our first math lesson. It was all about place value. Place value is a tricky concept for young learners to grasp, so lots of hands on experiences and review help build a better understanding. Today, our first "hands on" fun was with the Smartboard! I created an interactive lesson where the boys and girls could come up and show numbers a variety of different ways using base ten blocks or numbers.
If you are unfamiliar with what the Smartboard is, it is basically a large interactive computer! A projector projects the image from my computer screen onto the board.  This allows students to come up to the board and "touch" it. They can write on it, move objects around and really interact with the screen. I guess the kiddies sorta become the "mouse." I love this tool and we use it every single day!
Today everyone had a blast testing it out and I am confident it helped us better understand place value too!

A little review for moms and dads who are saying ..... ummm what is place value?!
Here is an example:
The number 132 is 1hundred, 3 tens and 2 ones
You can show it with base ten men too!

There are other ways to show this same number but we are keeping it simple for now!

Do Unto Otters... I mean Others!

Day two was a busy one! We began the morning by reviewing our rules, routines and expectations. Although it may seem redundant, the boys and girls benefit from hearing them more than once. By next week I am sure things will be running like a well-oiled machine in Portable Four.

We read a story today called “Do Unto Otters.” This is a hilarious picture book that that explains the golden rule: “treat others’ the way you would like to be treated. We will reference this book often in the next few weeks while we build our own little classroom community.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Indoor Shoes

In an effort to keep our learning space clean and tidy I request that all students have a pair of indoor shoes to keep at school.
Portable life means lots of trips in and out of the classroom. As you can imagine, this can mean lots of dirt and mess. I think that a pair of shoes reserved for indoor use only will help minimize the mess. A clean environment will help optimize our learning. Thank you so much for your continued support!

First Day 2015

We had a wonderful first day in Portable 4! Once again I have inherited a beautiful group of kiddies. I feel so blessed!

Our day started with an introduction about me. I shared lots of pictures of myslef, the Mr. and our two beautiful girls.  We then jumped into an explanation of routines and expectations and we worked on a fun "All About Me" booklet. In the afternoon we took a tour of our classroom library and did some relaxing reading. The day ended with our evening meeting where we practiced reading our Poem Of The Week (P.O.T.W). Each week we will receive a new poem and as part of our nightly reading we are to practice reading it fluently and with lots of expression. At the end of the week we have a P.O.T.W test. This week we will write it as a class so that everyone knows what to expect on future tests. We are always more than prepared come Friday and everyone does well!

I am sure everyone is nice and tired after a day of getting back into routine... or at least I know I am! I look forward to a great year ahead.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Little Critters

How cute are these little back to school critters?!?
What would your caption be to this picture?

Can't wait to meet everyone!

The classroom is almost ready and I am very excited for my new group of kiddies!
September brings feelings of excitement and anticipation. Only six more sleeps until I meet my new chikadees!