Monday 6 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Welcome Back!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday and are feeling rejuvenated for the new year ahead. The Linse family is very excited for the arrival of Baby Linse this year!

Today was a very productive first day back! Everyone came in eager and ready to work. We remembered all of the rules and routines of the classroom which made for a very smooth transition back.

We began the morning by sharing a highlight from our Christmas break. We then began to discuss how today is in fact a very special day called "The Epiphany." This is the day that the three kings arrive bearing gifts for Baby Jesus. This led us nicely into an activity where we brainstormed and wrote about a gift that we could give to Jesus(example: being kinder to others, helping out more at home etc.)

After recess we talked about New Years and how it is often a time where we can set new goals for ourselves. We talked about what some of these goals might be and tomorrow we will start writing about them.

In the afternoon we began a new math unit: Data Management. I will post more information about this unit throughout the week.

As I type all of this I am patting myself and my 19 kiddies on the back. For our first day we were pretty productive I'd say! I hope moms and dads also had a great first day back to regular routine and that you stayed warm and safe in this crazy weather!


  1. Noelle Mouchbahani10 January 2014 at 05:54

    Happy 2014, Mrs. Linse!

    1. Thank you! You too!
      It's so hard to believe that it is already 2014!!!
