Tuesday 7 January 2014

Data Management

Yesterday we began a math unit called Data Management. In this unit students will collect, organize and display data into graphs and charts. They will also interpret data that is presented in graphs and charts. The main types used throughout this unit will be Venn diagrams, pictographs, bar graphs and tally charts.
This is one of my favourite math units and is usually the students too! We have a lot of fun with many different hands on problems and activities. Before going into teaching I actually was headed down the road of research (specifically health sciences), so I am kinda a "data nerd" as Mr. Linse would say!


  1. Noelle Mouchbahani (Luc's mom)10 January 2014 at 05:57

    We've been hearing a lot about tally charts at home this week. Fun Stuff!

    1. I love when the kiddies share their learning at home too!
