Wednesday 26 June 2013

Thank you!

As I sit down this morning in what is almost a bare classroom I ask myself... where has the time went? I cannot believe that we only have three days left together. This has been an amazing year. Many wonderful memories have been made that I will cherish forever. My number one phrase that I tell the kiddies over and over all year is "always be the best that you can be." Each and every one of them took on that challenge and did just that this year. I am so proud of all of them. I hope that they remember this phrase and take it with them to grade four and beyond.
I also live by that motto myself. This was my first full year back as a working mommy. It was not easy to leave sweet little Ashleigh at home, but I was so lucky to always be greeted each morning by the smiling faces of my 20 other babies. What a blessing my job is! Thank you moms and dads for your ongoing support. I could not do this job so successfully without you. Thank you for encouraging your kids to always be the best that they can be. 
I am so sad to let this group go. I hope that they always remember me and pop by to Room 209 for visits. Boys and girls, always know that I am a soft shoulder to land on. When life seems to throw you lemons, come to Mrs. Linse's room and we can make lemonade together. I love you all so much!  


  1. you were the best teacher! Thankyou for those words!

  2. You're welcome Devin! Thank you so much for the beautiful memory book you made me. It melted my heart! You are one special kid!

  3. Mrs.Linse I'll miss you when I go to grade 4.You're the BEST teacher ever!

  4. Thank you Lyzette! I will miss you bunches too! Make sure you stop by and visit!
    Mrs. Linse
