Monday 24 June 2013

We Love Books!

Today Mrs. Murray hosted a used book sale in the library. Almost all of us left with at least one book to enjoy over the summer months. I am so proud that I have a room full of bookworms! Most of the chickadees prefer a good book over a different free time activity in the classroom. It's really quite amazing!  
I strongly encourage everyone to read lots over the summer. At least 20 minutes a day. Last night I came across a website that states: "The research is clear that children who don't read during the summer can lose up to three months of reading progress and that loss has a cumulative, long-term effect" ( All of us have come so far in our reading progress this year, that it would be a shame to lose our great skills over the lazy hazy summer months. I have attached a link to the website which is full of summer reading information, research and ideas.
Also, check in with the blog over the summer months. From time to time I will post some book titles that I think the kiddies might enjoy.
Happy Reading!

Summer Reading

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