Sunday 27 December 2015

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a joyful Christmas filled with lots of love and laughter! 
It is hard to believe that a week has flown by and that we are back to school next week! 

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Test Tomorrow

Tomorrow we will have our Geometry Test. Today we did lots of review of key concepts. I feel like we are in great shape (pardon the pun!).

- The boys and girls will need to identify prisms and pyramids
- Draw shapes with right angles, angles less than or greater than a right angle
- Compare two 2D shapes
- Be familiar with the term congruent (same size and shape)
- Nets
- Covering shapes using pattern blocks

Again - all of this was reviewed today as a whole class. I have updated Prodigy to include some 3D questions too.

Friday 11 December 2015

Math Test Wednesday

On Wednesday we will have our unit three math test.
It will cover:

- 2D Shapes and describing them by their various attributes (side lengths, angles, parallel sides)
- Angles (comparing them to a right angle)
- Congruent Shapes
- Identifying shapes
- Pyramids and Prisms
- Nets

Tuesday 8 December 2015

The Legend of the Candy Cane

Today we watched a video called the Legend of the Candy Cane. It was a great video that helped the kiddies understand how the candy cane is a symbol of Jesus. We then wrote a short reflection about this Christmas symbol.
We have been trying to remind ourselves often in Portable Four that Jesus is the reason for the season. Sometimes the excitement of elves and Santa gets the best of us and these little reminders of Jesus and how we can see him at Christmas are important!


Today we were introduced to a very sophisticated term for quite an easy concept!

The new word is "congruent."

Congruent means that two or more shapes are exactly the same size and shape.


Here is an activity...find pairs of congruent shapes.
How do you know they are congruent?

Friday 4 December 2015

2D on Prodigy!

I have inputted some 2D shape activities on Prodigy today.
This is a great way to support student learning at home!

Letter Writing

In Language we have begun a mini letter writing unit. The Christmas season is always a fun time to learn this writing format so that we can write letters to Santa! We will finish our letters to Santa Claus next week so that he has plenty of time to write us back!
One of our math learning goals this week was to identify angles as either a right angle, greater than a right angle or less than a right angle. In grade three we do not actually need to name the angles or measure them using protractors... this is saved for grade four.

Yesterday, we used another math manipulative called pattern blocks to explore angles in 2 D shapes. As partners we solved a problem which allowed us to put our learning from yesterday into practice. I am thinking a "pop quiz" on Monday on angles.




We have been learning about the different ways to describe 2 D shapes. We have came up with the following list of attributes:

- type of lines (curvy or straight)
- number of sides
- length of sides
- parallel sides

- number and type of angles
We have been introduced to a math manipulative called a Geoboard. On this board students can make their own shape using an elastic band. After we make a shape we describe the shape using our attribute list.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Tree Of Light

Below is a link to the Tree of Light initiative that St. Andrew will take part in during the season of Advent!

Tree of Light Letter