Tuesday 4 February 2014

Reading Response With Evidence

Over the last five months we have worked on a variety of reading strategies that have helped us become better readers. All of these different strategies have taught us how to make deeper meaning of the texts that we read. Now that our "tool belts" are stuffed with great strategies, we are ready to independently read passages, answer higher level comprehension questions in the form of multiple choice and respond to a question that requires us to provide evidence from the text to support our thinking. These questions we refer to as "Reading Response With Evidence (RRE)." We have learned that these types of responses require us to

- include part of the question in our answer
- include the "phrase that pays"  I know this because...
- support your answer with evidence (proof) from the text

We completed a whole class example last week and will continue to take baby steps until we are all confident with doing these on our own!

Here is an example of a "Reading Response With Evidence" type question:

What is one word you would use to describe Henry, from the story Henry's Freedom Box? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

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