Tuesday 25 February 2014

Problem Solvers!

Each day the kiddies prove that they are amazing, and today was no different!
During math we were presented with the following problem:

We tackled the problem in pairs or groups of three. The thinking that was taking place was amazing! As you can see this problem is multistep and requires the kiddies to both multiply and divide. All groups identified that there was more than one step to solve the problem.
After we solved the problem, I took our thinking to another level. We traded our work with another group and began looking closely at another groups thinking, strategies and answers. As a group the students were to identify the stars (what the group did well) and the wishes (next steps). They gave the work a level and we posted the work around the classroom by level.
Finally, we came together at the carpet and discussed our thinking and defended the level we gave the work.

This was a great activity, not only for problem solving but also for us to see and discuss other peoples' thinking. I feel like by the end of our 60 minute lesson we all felt more confident about problem solving and packed our "tool belts" with even more strategies.

I. Love. Math!

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