Friday 1 November 2013

Happy Weekend!

Today we got off to a bit of a slow start... I am thinking all the extra sugar and later than usual bedtimes last night (I know I was feeling it too). But we quickly "woke up" and picked up the pace. We were all able to finish our animal paragraphs based on the research we did with a partner last week. I am really looking forward to reading them as I know they will all be jammed packed with all kinds of "treasures."
In the afternoon we worked on a Halloween reflection page. We will collate all the pages and turn it into one of our famous classroom created books!
On November 11 our class is in charge of the Remembrance Day prayer service. We began learning a song today. Student readers will receive their parts on Monday.
I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend. Hopefully the winds calm down and we can all enjoy some outdoors. Have fun and be safe!

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