Thursday 28 April 2016

Transformational Geometry Test

On Tuesday we will have our unit test for Transformational Geometry.

The test will cover:

1. Moving on a map or grid

2. Translations (flips), Rotations (turns) and Reflections

3. Symmetry

Symmetry Matching

Monday 25 April 2016

Transformational Geometry

Last week we began a new math unit called Transformational Geometry. We will cover the following expectations:

- describe movement from one location to another using a grid map

- identify translations (slides), rotations (turns) and reflections

- complete and describe designs and pictures of images that have vertical, horizontal or diagonal line of symmetry

This tends to be a quick unit and we will be moving on to fractions early next week.

We will aim to have a geometry math test on Tuesday May 3.

Come join us!

Parents are invited to come in on Thursday May 5th for some "poet-tea."

Come enjoy some poems by us and a glass of iced tea!

This fun activity will be held in our portable (4) on Thursday May 5th from 2:30-3:10.

Hope to see you there! 

Monday 18 April 2016

Busy Bees!

We have been busy bees over the last week or so in Portable 4!

In math we have worked through a mini unit in money. Tomorrow students will bring home the various assessments that have been used throughout the unit. I strongly encourage students to continue to count coins, add money amounts and make change regularly at home.

Problems such as this one basically cover all learning expectations for money in grade three:

Mrs. Linse goes to the bake shop with a toonie, and 4 quarters.
She buys a cupcake for $0.58 and a doughnut for $1.12.
How much change does she get back?

As you can see, in this one question, students are required to put to work all of the different skills learned in the unit.

In Language we wrapped up a mini unit in idioms. We created our own classroom book titled "Idiom Tales." We sure had a lot of fun doing this!

We have begun a persuasive writing unit. Right now the boys and girls are working in small groups to create persuasive pieces to convince people to either squish an ant or save it!

We also continue to read various texts and respond to questions about them. Our responses require us to include evidence (proof) from the text to support our thinking.

These are just some of the great things taking place in Portable 4! Most days I can't believe how much we accomplish in a day! Busy busy I tell ya!

Thursday 7 April 2016

Call for Items!

We are coming down to our last box of Kleenex and bottle of wipes. Your generous donations have lasted us through a (long) winter!
We are in need of the following items in the portable:

- Kleenex
- Baby wipes or Lysol Wipes

Thank you so much!

Mini Money Unit

We have recently begun a mini math unit in money. The following are the expectations that will be covered:

- count and represent a collection of coins up to $10.
- describe the relationship of coins and bills up to $10 (example: how many quarters can make $5)
- add money amounts
- make change for amounts up to $10

I encourage students to count coins nightly at home. Counting a small pile of coins together is a great way to build confidence and reinforce the math skills in this unit.