Friday 19 February 2016

Pigeon Filled Day

The theme of today was .... The Pigeon!
We have been learning all about writing with quotation marks over the last two weeks. Today we put our learning to practice in a really fun way! We spent the morning reading "Pigeon" books by Mo Williams. These books are hilarious and FULL of expression and voice. The kiddies then picked their favourite pigeon quote to write in quotation marks (in the books Mo Williams uses speech bubbles). The kiddies were challenged to use a better word than "said" and even try to use an adverb in their sentence.
The afternoon consisted of a drawing lesson. We learned how to draw our very own pigeon... how cool is that?! We followed the steps(which links back to our learning about procedures)that are posted online by Mr. Mo Williams himself.
Below is the link if the boys and girls would look to practice at home.
Also are some pictures of our super fun day! Once we are all done and the bulletin board is complete I will post a picture of the finished products!
Happy Weekend everyone!!

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