Thursday 25 February 2016

Time Review

Today we took a look at the clock to review our skills from Grade One and Grade Two.
Today we specifically practiced telling time and showing time (using our own mini clocks) to the hour and half hour. Tomorrow we will review quarter past and quarter to the hour.
On Monday we will begin with the Grade Three expectation: read time to the nearest five minutes.
Telling time is a life skill! I strongly encourage kiddies to practice regularly at home.
Below is a link to a telling time activity that will help review our Grade One and Grade Two skills.


Wednesday 24 February 2016

It's About Time!

Today we began Unit 6 in math. The first few lessons are all about time. Today we started with the calendar. We will move this week into telling time using both digital and analog clocks. Practicing these skills regularly at home will be helpful!

Look at the calendar below...

1. What will the date be in two weeks from February 2nd?

2. How many Fridays were there in February?

3, What day of the week will March start on?

4. What day of the week did January end on?

Friday 19 February 2016

Pigeon Filled Day

The theme of today was .... The Pigeon!
We have been learning all about writing with quotation marks over the last two weeks. Today we put our learning to practice in a really fun way! We spent the morning reading "Pigeon" books by Mo Williams. These books are hilarious and FULL of expression and voice. The kiddies then picked their favourite pigeon quote to write in quotation marks (in the books Mo Williams uses speech bubbles). The kiddies were challenged to use a better word than "said" and even try to use an adverb in their sentence.
The afternoon consisted of a drawing lesson. We learned how to draw our very own pigeon... how cool is that?! We followed the steps(which links back to our learning about procedures)that are posted online by Mr. Mo Williams himself.
Below is the link if the boys and girls would look to practice at home.
Also are some pictures of our super fun day! Once we are all done and the bulletin board is complete I will post a picture of the finished products!
Happy Weekend everyone!!

Wednesday 17 February 2016


Today is math we learned all about mode. Mode is what shows up the most in a data set. We played a game with dice to explore what mode is all about. Have your kiddo show you at home tonight if there is time! 

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Writer's Notebook

Writer's Notebook's are coming home tonight to be shared with moms and dads. This is just a snapshot into some of the writing that we do each day. We also do lots of whole group, small group and guided writing that we don't record in these books. Our Writer's Notebooks are saved for some of our best pieces.
Happy Reading!

Wrapping Up Data Management

We have pretty much come to the end of our data management unit. Instead of a unit test we have had a few small assessments along the way. This has consisted of  a few small quizzes, graphing activities and teacher check-ins and observations. I like to do this every now and then instead of one giant test. The kiddies seemed to do well with this format too!
We will continue to wrap up the unit this week and be ready to jump into time and temperature next week.

Monday 8 February 2016

Language Update

We are busy bees during our language block!

Writing: We continue to focus on procedural writing. Today we were also introduced to quotation writing.

Reading: Today we were introduced to the strategy of asking questions. We are wrapping up a mini unit in non fiction too.

Media / Oral Communication: We will be presenting our Glogster posters this week.

Drawing Pictographs

Today we practiced drawing our own pictograph.

When drawing a pictograph we must include:
- a title
- labels
- a key
- symbols
- we must be neat and our symbols must be evenly spaced

Below is some data of Grade Three's Favourite Recess Activities. Can you draw a pictograph at home?

Interpretting Bar Graphs

We have really kicked up our math thinking a notch. Instead of just "reading the data" in a graph. We are answering higher order questions that often require us to solve multi step math problems.

Take a look at the following graph:

Try These:

1. What might the question be if the answer is nineteen?

2. Which type of leaves combined were collected more: Hickory and Maple or Poplar and Chestnut?

3. How many leaves were collected altogether?

Valentine's Day

On Friday the boys and girls are welcome to bring in cards for their classmates.
Here is a list of names of all kids in portable 4
