Sunday 11 August 2013

Back to School Shopping!

This is a shared blog post from Mrs. Linse and Mrs. Mihalides.

So are you havin' a great summer?  We hope you've enjoyed your's as much as we have. It's nice to get caught up on all kinds of different projects, visit with friends and enjoy some down time isn't it?  

If some of that down time includes shopping, then perhaps you're thinking about what's needed for September.  No matter how old you are, it's hard to resist the temptation to buy new goodies this time of year!  Mrs. Mihalides and I think kids of ALL ages (wink, wink) should get themselves a brand new pack of markers and spend the last few weeks sitting on a patio, with some iced-tea, some good music and just doodle away. Doesn't that sound like fun?  

If you are going into Grade Three at our wonderful school this year, then here are the things your teachers would like you to have so you are well prepared and ready for success:

First, let’s start with the stuff you’ll need:

  • a good set of pencil crayons (Crayolas/Rose-art are cheap, but they're not very good and break a lot, so we recommend you avoid those.
  • a set of good quality markers (in this case, Crayolas are great)
  • a good pencil sharpener with it's own case so you can sharpen your pencils at your desk and not make a mess
  • a good water bottle and be sure to label it!
  • indoor shoes that will stay at school in your locker -you need these for the first day of school
  • 2 boxes of Kleenex
  • one container of liquid soap

Now for the items are not required and we ask that students not bring them to school:

  • binders (please don't bring them)
  • crayons (we no longer use crayons to colour in Grade 3)
  • notebooks, duotangs, folders
  • permanent markers such as "Sharpies"
  • a math set
  • a calculator
  • a lock for a locker

What's provided by your teachers and school:

  • duotangs
  • notebooks
  • pencils
  • ruler
  • eraser
  • paper

We hope you enjoy the rest of your summer and we can't wait to meet our new group of Grade Three students in September!

Feel free to post questions related to this "Back to School" post in the comment section.   

See you soon!

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