Thursday 18 April 2013

A Day in the Life of a Pioneer Kid

As a final assignment for our Pioneer Unit, I asked the boys and girls to imagine that they are a pioneer child. They were to spend a few minutes imagining what a day would be like back in time. They then wrote a recount (journal type entry) from a pioneer child's perspective. The kids loved this activity. I have never seen us all so keen to write! Everyone is doing a great job of demonstrating their learning from the unit and making wonderful connections. I am thinking that this will have to be collated into one of our class-famous books!


  1. Mrs. Linse, this was an awesome writing an activity! Thank you for having many of your students come over to share it with me! The quality of the writing was outstanding and a testimony to your great instruction! Congratulations on a fantastic assignment! We'll be doing this one next year for sure!

  2. Thank you Mrs. Mihalides for your kind compliment! It really was a great activity! Thank you for taking the time to read so many of my students writing. They were so excited to share them with you!
