Wednesday 30 March 2016

Measurement Practice

Throughout the week I will keep posting various questions to help practice for Tuesday's math test. Keep checking back to this thread for updates!
Also, playing Prodigy will be helpful too!

1. Tyson plays basketball for 15 minutes everyday. After one week, how long has he played for?

2. Mrs. Linse is having a party. There will be 15 people altogether. How many litres of punch should she make?

3. Kids are playing outside. The temperature is 0 Degrees Celsius. What season do you think it is? Explain your thinking.

4. Write these times digitally:

a) four forty-five
b) ten minutes to 6
c) quarter after two
c) five thirty-five

5) How many days were there this year? How come?

6) Mrs. Linse just bought 3 litres of milk. How many cups can she fill?

7) Adam reads for 30 minutes each night.
   After two weeks has he read for more   
   than 6 hours?

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Math Test

On Tuesday April 5th we will be having our measurement math test. It will cover time, temperature, calendar, mass and capacity. Keep checking back for practice problems posted to the blog!

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Fact or Opinion

Our reading and writing focus this week has been on facts and opinions. A fact is something that is true. You can prove a fact. An opinion, on the other hand, is a personal feeling or belief.

Here is a fun activity...have your child write 3 facts and 3 opinions about the picture below!

Mass and Capacity

This week we began the second part of our measurement unit: mass and capacity. We have learned that mass is how heavy something is. In grade three we use kilograms (kg) as a unit of measure. We have learned that capacity is how much a container holds. In grade three we use litres (L) as a unit to measure. Today we discovered that 1L is about the same as 4 cups or mugs!

Thursday 10 March 2016

Number Talks

We have recently begun engaging in something called "Number Talks" in the classroom. These are classroom conversations around math problems that are solved mentally. These conversations last about 5-15 minutes. During a number talk, the teacher poses a problem and charts the strategies that students share. All students have a chance to share his or her way of thinking about and solving the problem. As a result of number talks, students develop efficiency, accuracy and fluency with mathematical thinking using mental math. Students move away from strict memorization and move into sense-making and reasoning around the mathematics (Instructional Toolkit for Mathematics, 2013-14). 

We are finding these conversations extremely effective and engaging. Students look forward to our number talk each day. I love seeing the excitement in my kiddies around math... it is absolutely magical!

We have started off simple with out number talks by using dots... here is an example from the other day!

Friday 4 March 2016

Friday Fun

Today was a busy yet fun day!
We started off with writing our POTW quiz and catching up a bit on incomplete work from the week. We ended the morning with a "number talk" which I will do a separate post on later. The rest of the day consisted of comparative writing in small groups, some telling time bingo and Prodigy in the computer lab. We were productive that's for sure!!
Happy weekend!

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Comparative Writing

We have begun a writing unit in Comparative Writing. When we comparative write we discuss how two things are the same and how they are different. Today we brainstormed a list of comparative language to use when writing these paragraphs. We also came up with some ideas of things that could be compared (examples are: cars, friends, book characters, foods, animals and seasons... just to name a few). For home practice students could write a comparative paragraph if they wish comparing themselves to a sibling, comparing mom to dad or maybe they have two pets to compare... the ideas are endless!

Time to the Five Minutes

We are working on telling time to the five minutes. The boys and girls are expected to be able to read the time on the clock and be able to say the time another way too. So for example: 3:15 can also be said as quarter after three.
We are also learning how to write time when posed as a problem. For example: What time will it be twenty minutes before three o'clock? (2:40)
Providing your child with lots of opportunities to tell time (there are interactive online clocks) and problems similar to the one above would be beneficial.
I have updated Prodigy with some time activities. Also here is a link to some other time activities too.


More Time

Even More Time