Thursday 19 December 2013

Newspaper Stars!

Check out today's Oakville Beaver... eight kiddies from Room 209 wrote about their favourite family Christmas tradition and their entries were published! Congratulations Abby, Sierra, Kyle, Chris, Isabella, Kylie, Sophia and Veronica! I am so proud!

Oakville Beaver

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Geometry Test Details

On Tuesday we will be having a math test for unit three: geometry.
The following will be covered on the test:
  • Identifying 2D shapes by their attributes (parallel sides, side length, angles)
  • Identifying angles as right angles, less than a right angle or greater than a right angle
  • Identifying shapes: trapezoids, parallelograms, rhombuses, pentagons and hexagons
  • Comparing shapes (how are they the same and different)
  • Congruent shapes
  • Describing 3D figures based on the attributes of edges, vertices and faces
  • Identifying different types of prisms and pyramids
  • Nets

Monday 9 December 2013

Geometric Figures

Today we began learning about 3 D figures. In small groups we explored different figures and recorded everything we know about them. We mainly focused on the following attributes: number of edges, number of vertices and number of faces.

Give it a try with the figures below!

Geometry Test

Our Geometry unit is just about coming to an end. We are aiming to have a math test on Tuesday December 17. More details to follow!

Saturday 7 December 2013

Congruent Fun!

Find pairs of congruent shapes.
How do you know they are congruent?


Last week we were introduced to a very sophisticated term for quite an easy concept!

The new word is "congruent."

Congruent means that two or more shapes are exactly the same size and shape.

Letter Writing

Over the last week Ms. Ostanal has begun a letter writing unit with the boys and girls. The Christmas season is always a fun time to learn this writing format so that we can write letters to Santa! We will begin our letters to Santa Claus this week so that he has plenty of time to write us back!

Monday 2 December 2013

New Shapes

We have been learning about a number of new shapes to grade three. They are:
  • trapezoid
  • parallelogram
  • rhombus
  • pentagon (both regular and irregular)
  • hexagon (both regular and irregular)

POTW Presentation

This week the boys and girls are responsible for practicing and presenting the POTW (Duke of Dodgeball) on Friday afternoon. As a group we came up with the success criteria for our presentations. Basically, this means that we came up with a list of things that would make a level three presentation. We will review the success criteria each day this week as well as practice the poem together. There will be no POTW test this week.

Welcome Back!

Today we very happily welcomed back Ms. Ostonal! We are so thrilled to have her with us until Christmas break... yippee!

PJ Party!

Friday was the best Fun Friday! We cozied up in our jammies with blankets, pillows, stuffies and popcorn to watch "Because of Winn Dixie." It was lots of fun... we will have to do it again soon.
The link below has pictures of our party. The password is in your child's agenda.

PJ Party