Wednesday 18 May 2016

More glogs

Last week the boys and girls began "glogging" their social studies projects on an online tool called Glogster. We have used this tool in the past and the kids love it! It really allows them to share their learning in a creative and innovative way. I am looking forward to the finished projects!

Narrative Writing

We have all become very creative writers in Portable 4! We are having a lot of fun with narrative writing. This form of writing allows kiddies to really use their imaginations to tell fictional stories.
This form of writing always tends to be a fave and all kids really look forward to sharing their finished products with each other!

What's the Probability?

Today we began a math unit in Probability.

We learned all about chance and the possibility of outcomes.

We learned the following vocabulary:

- Possible
- Impossible
- Certain
- Likely
- Unlikely
- Equally likely

Try these!

Answer With: Impossible, Certain, Likely, Unlikely or Equally Likely

1. You flip a coin. How likely is it to land on heads?

2. A kitten will sing Oh Canada.

3. You will go bowling tomorrow afternoon.

4. It is Thursday tomorrow.

5. We will do math tomorrow.

Friday 13 May 2016

We are coming to the end of our measurement unit.
We have  had a few pop quizzes along the way and completed a mini assignment today (see my tweet on Twitter!) I feel like we do not need to have a unit test and will be ready to jump into Probability next week!

Happy Friday!

Monday 9 May 2016

Measurement Unit

Last week we began a unit in measurement.
The boys and girls have been measuring items to the nearest centimetre and metre.
Today we learned all about the kilometre.

This week the focus will be on perimeter and area.

Prodigy has been updated with some measurement activities.

Math Problem:

If the distance from my house to the park is 500 m, will I have walked 1 km if I walk to the park and back home? Explain how you know.

Monday 2 May 2016

Catholic Education Week

A reminder that parents are invited to join us in a few different activities this week:

Tuesday at 9:45 in the forum - science activity with Mme. Pasyk (science teacher)

Wednesday 10:00 mass at MMOG

Thursday at 2:30 in Portable 4- Poet-Tea

Friday - 9:00 RAD assembly in the gym

Thursday 28 April 2016

Transformational Geometry Test

On Tuesday we will have our unit test for Transformational Geometry.

The test will cover:

1. Moving on a map or grid

2. Translations (flips), Rotations (turns) and Reflections

3. Symmetry

Symmetry Matching